Air Pollution – English Essay |

This article is an English essay on Air Pollution. The causes, effects and remedies of air pollution are to be discussed in this essay. So let’s see, how to write this essay …

Air Pollution Essay In English

Today, science and technology have evolved tremendously. At the same time, population growth and use of physical facilities have also increased. The result is increased water pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution. The air pollution in it is becoming extremely dangerous to human beings.

Air pollution is a polluted condition of air! Human population growth is contributing to the increasing use of material resources. Therefore, the use and production of such resources is causing air pollution. As a result, natural air and the environment are polluted today.

There are various reasons behind air pollution. Let’s look at the industrial reasons first. The chemical processes that take place in large factories and industries emit toxic gases. They mix in the open air and pollute the air.

Air pollution also occurs on an individual level. This includes the use of different types of vehicles. Today, due to the increase in transportation and travel, the use of vehicles is increasing. With the growth of the industry, transportation of goods, use of private vehicles for travel, etc. are becoming very common.

Toxic gases emitted without the control of businesses or vehicles are detrimental to human health and the environment. Currently, pollution in urban areas makes it impossible to get clean air.

To stay healthy, humans need to breathe oxygen into the body. But carbon dioxide is entering the body in polluted areas. As a result, respiratory diseases have increased. Air pollution also causes toxic gases to be mixed into the clouds, causing acidosis.

Some of the effects of air pollution, such as eye irritation, difficulty breathing and various skin disorders, are being felt. That is, human health is definitely at stake. As a solution to this, we can certainly follow some rules at the individual and social level that can prevent air pollution.

Some of the measures that can be taken to reduce air pollution are to use vehicles in urban areas as required and to avoid the use of polluting vehicles, to walk or use bicycles in nearby places, to keep industrial estates away from the city.

Every type of vehicle and industry should have some environmentally friendly rules and regulations. It is imperative that these rules be followed on an individual and social level, as air pollution will never be in the best interest of human beings in the present and in the future.

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