Tiger Essay In English |

This article is about Tiger Essay in English. This essay gives all the basic information about the tiger. The tiger’s way of life, its anatomy and habitat are discussed.

Essay On Tiger In English |

The tiger is a fast, brave, attractive and carnivorous wild animal. It is considered to be the largest animal in the marsupial family. Some people like it just because it looks good, because no one would dare to have tiger sex.

The majority of tigers are found in India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Russia, Indonesia, and Nepal. The word tiger is derived from the Sanskrit word tiger. The scientific name of the tiger is Panthera tigris and in English it is called Tiger. The tiger is the national animal of India.

The main species of tiger found in India is the Royal Bengal Tiger. The tiger has been classified as a ‘endangered’ species since 1986.

In the past, hunting tigers was considered a sign of prestige. As a result, the number of tigers is declining due to poaching and increasing human settlements. The tiger has historical significance since ancient times. The tiger symbol is displayed in various religions and sects.

In various countries around the world, the image of the tiger is used symbolically in cultural, arts, sports and religious events. The tiger is one of the flag or symbols of many organizations.

The tiger has black stripes on its body. Due to the gray-yellow color on his body, he can easily hide in the bushes. Its teeth and claws are sharp which helps it to catch prey and eat meat.

The internal parts of the tiger’s body such as the chest and legs are white. The tiger is a wide, tall and heavy animal. Tigers prefer to live in grasslands, moist, overgrown forests. They prey on a large number of herbivores.

The tiger is a complete carnivore and preys on other herbivores like the lion. Tigers have good eyesight and sense of smell. So he has no hunting problem.

Tigers are especially known for their speed, agility, and ability to hunt. No matter how fast the tiger runs, it is not able to run very far. The number of tigers in the 21st century is alarming. Therefore, plans and policies are being formulated by the government for the protection of tigers.

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